Solar Panels and Generators: Adding a Whole Home Battery System for Uninterrupted Power

Home energy storage · Jan 11, 2024

In the pursuit of energy resilience and sustainability, homeowners are increasingly turning to integrated solutions that harness the power of solar panels, generators, and advanced battery systems. This article explores the seamless synergy of solar panels and generators, emphasizing the pivotal role that a whole home battery system plays in creating a comprehensive and uninterrupted power supply for your home.

The Power Duo - Solar Panels and Generators

Solar panels and generators are two key players in the quest for reliable and sustainable energy. Solar panels harness the abundant energy from the sun, converting it into electricity. Generators, on the other hand, serve as a backup power source, typically fueled by gas or propane, ready to kick in when the sun isn't shining or during power outages.

Harnessing Solar Power

Solar panels have become a regular sight on rooftops worldwide, capturing sunlight and transforming it into clean, renewable energy. The process involves photovoltaic cells within the panels absorbing sunlight, initiating a flow of electrons that generates direct current (DC) electricity. An inverter then converts this DC electricity into alternating current (AC), suitable for powering household appliances and devices.

solar panels on the roof

Backup Power with Generators

Generators act as a reliable contingency plan, providing power during periods of low solar production or when the grid fails. They come in several types, with gas and propane generators being popular choices for homeowners. When integrated into a solar-powered system, generators become a complementary asset, ensuring uninterrupted power supply regardless of weather conditions or external power disruptions.

standby generator at home

The Missing Link - Whole-Home Energy Management with Battery Storage

While solar panels and generators individually offer substantial benefits, the integration of a whole home battery system acts as the missing link, enhancing the overall efficiency of your energy setup. An energy management system can integrate solar, generators, and batteries in order to provide a robust solution for your home.

Storing Excess Energy

One of the primary functions of household batteries is to store excess energy generated by solar panels during peak sunlight hours. Instead of letting this surplus energy go unused or relying solely on the grid, the batteries store the energy for later use. This stored energy becomes invaluable during the evening, on overcast days, or when the generator is not in operation.

Seamless Energy Transition

The integration of a whole home system facilitates a seamless transition between various power sources. When solar energy production is insufficient, the battery system kicks in to supply stored power. In situations where the battery charge is low, the generator can take over, ensuring a continuous and reliable power supply. This dynamic interplay creates a resilient energy ecosystem for your home.

home energy battery storage

Advantages of a Whole-Home Energy Management System with Battery Storage

A whole-home energy management system with battery storage can not only fulfill the energy storage requirements with home batteries to be protected during power outages but also monitor and manage home energy usage to improve its efficiency and increase solar return on investment (ROI) in daily life.

Energy Independence

The incorporation of a whole-home battery system helps homeowners reduce their reliance on the grid. By storing excess solar energy and managing its distribution, households can operate independently during peak demand hours or power outages, contributing to a more sustainable and self-sufficient lifestyle.

Cost Savings

The strategic use of a whole-home system allows homeowners to optimize energy consumption patterns, reducing reliance on grid power during peak hours when electricity rates are often higher. Over time, this can translate into substantial cost savings on energy bills, so investing in a battery system is a financially savvy decision.

Environmental Impact

Reducing dependence on conventional power sources has positive environmental implications. By utilizing stored solar energy and minimizing reliance on generators, homeowners can contribute to a reduction in overall energy consumption, lowering their carbon footprint and aligning with eco-friendly practices.

Energy Monitoring & Control

For advanced home energy management systems, there is a smart app for visibility and control. It can monitor energy generation and usage in the home. You will know how much energy is generated from solar, how much energy is used from the grid, etc.

home energy monitor

The app also provides the homeowner with control over numerous energy efficiency settings, automatic scheduling of energy sources, and manual control of sources such as generators.

By monitoring your home energy status, you will be clear about your energy generation and consumption. Knowing your solar is contributing and less grid energy is consumed, you are one step closer to energy freedom.

Energy Management

Take the FranklinWH home energy management and storage system, for example. The FranklinWH system can integrate solar, grid, battery storage, and generator, managing all these energy sources in a coordinated fashion. With a single system, your home energy is always monitored and controlled.

whole home energy management


The intelligent FranklinWH system has different modes for your energy management. If you live in an area where power outages frequently occur, you can set it to backup mode, which will always keep the battery storage fully charged for use during outages.

If you want to make the most of your solar system, you can choose the self-consumption mode, which will use solar power as a priority for home use, and the grid only for demand that is more than solar is providing. You may also live off-grid under this mode if the solar is sufficient.

If you live in a state, such as California, that adopts a time-of-use electricity rate, there is a time-of-use mode to automatically manage your power. It will save money by using solar to charge the battery during off-peak rate hours and use the battery to supply power during the peak rate hours.

The integration of multiple energy sources into one system will provide a true sense of energy freedom to homeowners. Being protected by so many different energy sources, your home energy supply is secured. Meanwhile, the integration itself will increase your energy efficiency, helping you to manage your energy to its full potential.

Franklin Home Power

Considerations Before Adding a Whole-Home Battery System

Compatibility Assessment

Before integrating a whole-home battery system, it is crucial to assess the compatibility with existing solar panels and generators. Working with a qualified professional ensures that the components seamlessly integrate and optimally function together.

Storage Capacity Planning

Determining the appropriate storage capacity for your battery system is essential. Factors such as household size, energy consumption patterns, and the duration of desired backup power influence the selection of a battery with sufficient storage capacity.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

While the long-term benefits of adding a whole-home battery system are evident, it is essential to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis. Consider factors such as initial installation costs, potential energy savings, and available incentives or rebates in your region.

Franklin Home Power

Step-by-Step Guide to Integration

Professional Consultation

Begin the process by consulting with experienced professionals in the solar and energy storage industry. They can assess your current setup, recommend suitable battery systems, and provide valuable insights into the integration process.

System Compatibility Check

Ensure that your solar panels and generator are compatible with the selected whole-home battery system. This involves assessing electrical compatibility, communication protocols, and the overall capacity of the combined system. It may also include discussions with your standby generator service provider.

Energy Management and Battery System Installation

Engage certified technicians to install the whole-home management system. This involves installing a controller that connects all the energy sources, grid, solar, battery, and generator, then configuring the system for optimal performance and seamless communications between all components.

Testing and Optimization

After installation, thoroughly test to verify the integration of solar panels, generators, and the whole-home battery system. Optimize the settings to ensure efficient energy distribution and storage.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Implement a robust monitoring system to keep track of energy production, storage, and consumption. Regular maintenance checks, including battery health assessments, ensure the continued reliability of the integrated system. With FranklinWH, your installation service provider has access to predictive maintenance suggestions that can address issues before they become problems.

Franklin Home Power

Real-World Example

While many families have one or more items, there are homes that have a complete energy package containing solar, battery storage, a generator, and home energy management.

FranklinWH donated a system to a remote youth camp on an isolated island in North Carolina. The island is completely off-grid, and the youth camp used to use generators to power its facilities, and the noise of those generators made the night hard to bear.

home battery system integrates generator

FranklinWH and an installer donated a set of solar systems including solar panels and a FranklinWH energy system to the youth camp. So now the youth camp can fully operate off-grid without hearing the disturbing noises from generators.

Since the FranklinWH system can integrate a standby generator, the old generator was connected to the system. On rainy days, when there is no sunshine, the generator kicks in immediately and supplies the power.

As technology evolves, more households will adopt an all-in-one home energy management system with battery storage to better manage home energy to increase energy efficiency and gain energy freedom.


In the evolving landscape of residential energy solutions, the integration of solar panels, generators, and whole-home battery systems emerges as a powerful strategy for achieving uninterrupted power and energy independence. The integration of these components not only ensures a reliable and resilient energy supply but also contributes to cost savings and environmental sustainability.

As technology advances and awareness grows, more homeowners are likely to explore this approach, transforming their homes into energy-efficient, self-sustaining havens. By understanding the dynamics of solar panels, generators, and whole-home battery systems, you can embark on a journey toward a more sustainable and empowered lifestyle.

Franklin Home Power