What is
the Duke Energy
Battery program?
What is
the Duke
Energy Battery
The Duke Energy Battery Program, also referred to as the battery control program, incentivizes existing and new homeowners with aPower batteries to allow Duke Energy to efficiently manage energy usage on the electric grid by drawing power from aPower during high-demand periods. Participants receive monthly bill credits as a reward for their involvement.

Duke Energy has two service territories, with different terms for the program:

  • Duke Energy Progress refers to the program as EnergyWise® Home
  • Duke Energy refers to it as Power Manager®

Participating in Power Manager or EnergyWise Home helps support the grid by decreasing the use of less efficient and more expensive energy sources.

Incentive structure:

Existing and new FranklinWH customers may qualify for a utility bill credit of up to $23 per month per aPower battery. The incentives increase with each additional aPower battery installed. For more info on incentives, please visit Power Manager or EnergyWise Home


  • Complete an interconnection application with Duke Energy and remain compliant with the interconnection standards.
  • Participate for at least one year.
  • Maintain a reliable internet connection.
  • View tariff online for full requirements at duke-energy.com/PMBattery or or duke-energy.com/EWHBattery.
*Please consult Duke Energy and your Trade Ally installer for more information on eligibility.
Duke Energy Customer
Duke Energy Progress Customer
Duke Energy Customer

Application Process

Certified installation and commissioning of the Franklin Home Power system

Enroll customer in Duke
Energy Battery Control
Program through the
FranklinWH App

Customer agrees to
terms and
conditions through
the FranklinWH App

FranklinWH will need to approve the application, which triggers the utility approval process

After both approvals, the customer is enrolled into the program

Check the Enrollment Guidance

Learn More
If you are an installer and want to learn more, please contact FranklinWH at service@franklinwh.com.

Ducke Energy Battery Program Terms & Conditions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why should I participate in this program?
Q: Will I be notified of events?
Q: When will I receive the bill credit(s)?
Q: What is the difference between the Power Manager and EnergyWise Home battery programs?
Q: What can I expect after enrolling?
Q: What is FranklinWH’s battery and power capacity?

Get a Free Consultation

If you are a homeowner and want to learn more, please contact us to be connected to an energy consultant.